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Roz Bienvenu wins jurisdictional challenge in the San Antonio Court of Appeals!
Congratulations to DP&S partner, Roz Bienvenu, who worked with trial counsel William Angelley, Craig Schllapprizzi, and Tom Crosley, to successfully defend a Bexar County trial court’s order denying a special appearance by an aircraft manufacturer, Cirrus Design Corp., in a wrongful death products liability case. The plaintiff’s husband, an Air Force major stationed in Texas, was killed when the Cirrus aircraft he was piloting crashed in Bexar County. Cirrus argued that it should not be subject to suit in Texas because the plaintiff’s claims did not arise from or relate to any purposeful activity it conducted in Texas.
Tammy Holt wins in the San Antonio Court of Appeals!
Congratulations to Tammy Holt and trial counsel, Rey Perez, who won an appeal in the San Antonio Court of Appeals this week. The interlocutory appeal was filed by a private entity who contracted with a governmental entity to manage a nursing home. Claiming derivative sovereign immunity, the private entity tried to claim that it could not be sued because, by contracting with the government, it was entitled to the same immunity from suit the government enjoys. The trial court declined to dismiss the case…
Tammy Holt gets dog bite summary judgment reversed by the San Antonio Court of Appeals!
Congratulations to Tammy Holt who successfully reversed a summary judgment granted against the plaintiff in a dog bite case! Tammy successfully convinced the court of appeals that the plaintiff’s claims of strict liability, negligent handling, and gross negligence were supported by deposition testimony that dog was “leery” around strangers, prone to nip at heels, and that owners considered putting the dog away when plaintiff visited, but decided not to.